Well, K-ON is about a high school music club that's just got enough members to avoid suspension. Only problem is, they aren't exactly any good at their instruments, one girl can't even play anything at all.
Episode 1 pretty much introduces us to the four main characters. Yui is the main girl. She's forgetful, energetinc and constantly daydreaming (kinda reminds me of Osaka form Azumanga Daioh). She only wants to join the light-music club because she thinks it would only be whistling and playing the castinets. Instead she's going to play the guitar.

So far the show hasn't deveolped, it's only the first ep. But the concept is definitely there. I'll keep watching and reviewing too. KyoAni always delivers reliable shows. I'll be in Sydney next week with no internet, but I'll definately be back on sunday night to catch up. Hopefully you'll read my ramblings next week.