Saturday, 30 August 2014

30th of Blaugust - Z - Zander in the Past

At last I have come to Z and my alphabetical journey is soon to be over. This letter for me was quite obvious as everyone knows Z clearly stood for Zander. And so I thought I'd make it all about me. But I'd thought I'd do it in the form of a photographical journey from growing up. So I went through my parents photographs and lifted a few that I liked to show you.

1988 - Approx. Age 1

This is from my baby album and I think I'm almost one so I'll say this is from 1988. I'm just chilling with my hoes, I mean hose.

1989 - Age 2

Who doesn't love swings at this age and I remember this was set up in the back yard. Can't believe I'm in the same jumper from the previous photo. I can promise you I did have other clothes.

1990 - Age 3 

This ine I really like. I'm pretty sure this was taken from under the cubby house at my old home.

1992 - Age 5

I was lucky enough to be in the 1992 John Martins/State Bank Christmas Pageant. Nipper and Nimble weren't pink and baby blue back then. Instead they were Rad and Royal Blue. I was on nimble and surrounded by the ladies. I have footage of this on a VHS tape of the Chanel 7 broadcast which I might put up on YouTube one day.

1995 - Age 8

I was on a holiday in Perth when this was taken and I was absolutely marvelled at what was basically and Bus and Train interchange. I'd never seen one before even though they existed at Adelaide but not like this one. The Interchange was built directly above the train station which you accessed by escalator and lift.

1996 - Age 9

I threw this is just to show that I was a gamer as a kid and played the crap out of the SNES. I think this was immediately after getting Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest for Christmas.

1997 - Age 10

I was easily able to date this photo as out family was completely worked up over getting a puppy. Sasha was a Maltese Terrier and was only a two or three months old when we got her. She was always a loving pet and a welcome part of the family.

2005 - Age 18

Now we skip a bunch of years and make our way to when I was 18 and in year 12. This was when I was on a holiday in Hobart to see my sister who was staying there for a year as she was doing a one year medical internship. I just really like the photo.

2008 - Age 21
Finally some proof of something. When I say to people that I grew my hair out it made it to my shoulders people don't normally believe me. Well here I am in my third year of my Music Degree, with that incredibly long and curly hair. I finally decided to get a hair cut shorter around July because it became really hard to manage and got it cut progressively shorter and shorter again as I was doing my Teaching diploma until it was like it is now. Sometimes I consider growing it out again every once in a while. You should have seen what it used to look like when I got it straightened.

So that's me growing up through pictures. And nod I am all out of letters. Just one more Alphabet free post and Blaugust is done. The alphabetical journey's definitely been a lot of fun and given me some direction to keep things varied instead of just rambling on.

So be sure to see my final Blaugust post tomorrow everyone.

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